by NorthernFront » Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:52 pm
That ban would be too invasive of civil liberties to enforce.
Don't tell me you're one of those who treat the US Constitution like a roll of toliet paper?[/quote]
I'd be curious what part of the constitution you think would be implicated by a ban on firearms on private property. Can you point me to that provision?[/quote]
A ban on firearms in the car of a employee, customer, student or so on on a typical storefront or school property would be an infringement on the 2nd Amend.
This would also fall under illegal search and siezure laws. The car should be considered to be private property that they, like the police, could not search unless there was probable cause.
Nearby, there was a school shooting, where a teen loony killed his mom, then brought a rifle into the school to assassinate his ex-girlfriend and maybe her friend who was standing next to her.
Luckily, an assisstant principle ran to his car and got his handgun and stopped the gunman without shooting him.
A bad guy that wants to kill someone cares not a fig about the dozens of laws he is breaking in such places. But it is often the good guy with a gun nearby that stops it.