by exploited » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:40 am
In that state, it appears to be.
A lack of uniformity is probably the biggest problem overall. When one state allows no-permit concealed carry and the next has strict rules, it undermines both the efficacy of the stronger gun control, and the principle of justice in general.
Not only that, but it makes the whole thing a pain in the ass for your average gun owner, who has to do all sorts of study before he knows if what he is doing is legal or not.
Ideally and impossibly, your basic state laws would be a federal responsibility. For the most part, your current laws are adequate, they just need better enforcement. I would add on provisions that make carrying a gun in public illegal outside demonstrating actual necessity before the courts, as well as passing a basic psychiatric exam and stress test. I would also give enforcement over to the feds, who are best able to use such a law to crack down on organized crime.
The beauty of gun control is that, when done properly, it actually empowers legal gun owners. The Switzerland model would do wonders for the US, it is only a matter of convincing people of that.