Dylan and I touched on this briefly in another thread but it seems that any significant gun control measure will run afoul of the second amendment, especially in light of Scalia's majority decision in DC v Heller. I'm not even sure something like the assault weapons ban would stand up under the current interpretation of the amendment. So this presents a pretty significant issue in order to get any major gun control legislation on the books it seems like we'd have to revisit, repeal, or amend the constitution.
I'd be very reluctant to do so. Frankly I'm a gun nut. I think that a population's right to personal self-defense, from other individuals and even from their own state, is a pretty important one. Now do I expect the people of the United States will have to exercise their 2nd Amendment right against our own state any time soon? no. But I fear that once such rights are given up they're never coming back.
Perhaps a compromise could be reached where we structure our gun law more like they have in states such as Switzerland?
For those of you that think the amendment should be revisited what, if anything, would you put in its' place?