Re: Chicago Police Chief lays out anti-gun agenda
Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:34 am
by exploited
Idiot? Making an ass out of themselves?
I will add this to the list of permissible insults. Apparently it is acceptable to address others as ignorant, uninformed, idiotic asses. Cool.
Edit: Also, moron can be used. Excellent.
Re: Chicago Police Chief lays out anti-gun agenda
Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:39 pm
by eynon81
willing to bet he hates the 4th, 5th, and 8th amendments too. Chicago Rules; Irish guys in uniform can do whatever they want.
/I still like Chicago though.
btw...turns out this guy is actually a New Yorker:
Re: Chicago Police Chief lays out anti-gun agenda
Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:09 pm
by exploited
As for the OP...
I think that this guy doesn't know very much about the Constitution... but that he is ultimately correct to say that the Second Amendment is dangerous to public safety. Because it is. You can argue that the danger posed by gun control is greater than the danger posed by the Second Amendment, and some here have. Some days, I'd agree with you. Others, not so much. But to say that guaranteeing the right to be armed doesn't endanger public safety, to a fairly large degree, is absurd to the extreme.