First of all this thread is not to bash anyone or prove anyone right or wrong. Ethics came UP on anther thread and it is my intention to define,debate the parameters of ethics as applied to the Modern day Hunter. I got these lists from various sources starting the N.R.A. . It is my opinion that ethics are defined as actions, not as what you use but how you use it.
This one from Mississippi really hits home to me in one paragraph as it really does force the individual hunter to police himself. After all if you do something unethical it will come back to haunt you.
There is a difference between poor hunter ethics and what is illegal. Ethics are your personal code of what is right and wrong. Your code may not match your neighbor's. Moses did not come down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments of ethical hunting. What you do legally in private is, for the most part, your business and not the state's concern. Consequently, "your hunt is your hunt". One hunter may consider it unethical to use a compound bow, while another hunter may have given the issue considerable thought and determined that a compound bow is certainly an ethical weapon for him.
And my last link in this thread pretty much says what I stand for as far as ethics go.