Re: Gun Control, by Jim Jeffries

Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:36 am
by spacemonkey
Don't want a gun, don't get a gun. I want a gun, I got a gun. that's how that works.

Re: Gun Control, by Jim Jeffries

Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:24 pm
by IndependentProfessor
He makes the best point about the "guns for protection" argument.
I own guns. A dozen or so. Rifles, shotguns, handguns. Even a really nice .45 that I got from my grandfather (kicks like a goddamn mule, too). I also have 2 children. Guess where my guns are? In a safe. In my storage locker. 5 miles away from my house.
Sure, I initially kept the guns in my house before the kids were born. They were in my closet and in a gun rack on my guest room wall. Unloaded, but the ammo was nearby. And, I even had a loaded handgun next to my bed, with only a zip tie through the chamber to ward off accidental firing.
But, after the kids were born, there was no way that I could devise that would allow me to keep my guns readily accessible for an emergency, yet still safe from the kids. So, the guns went, and the kids stayed.
Re: Gun Control, by Jim Jeffries

Thu May 26, 2016 7:33 am
by lnrw
The brit is being disingenuous. The trend had already been going down for some time before the massacre and it has continued, although Aus has about twice as many guns as it did before the ban. Hence more guns do not equal more crime. Canada's gun crime, death etc. has continued dropping since the end of the long gun registry in spite of the fact that gun ownership is rising by 10% a year.
And US ownership has risen dramatically. So shouldn't everybody be dead?
Lies aren't that funny.
Re: Gun Control, by Jim Jeffries

Thu May 26, 2016 9:02 am
by lnrw
I suppose for the Texans I need to specify that I was talking about within my sphere, area, among people I knew.
Sorry NAB, I should have known.