So a neighbor has surgery in a local hospital.. We go to visit him, talk to him, yada, yada.. In between the gabbing I step out in the hallway to check out the nurses.. And in JUST this hall there's 8-10 carts with laptops on them, every laptop has XP..
1 hall, with 10 XP's, 6 floors, 6-8 halls per floor, dozens of offices, labs, nurses stations, etc.. So what? 500-600 or so computers in this ONE hospital all with XP.. I'm sure there are literally millions of XP desktops and laptops still out there in businesses, medical buildings and hospitals.. And XP is going away(kind of) in April..
MS is already talking about end of life for Win 7..So that's probably not an option.. And Win 8 so far isn't very desktop/laptop friendly..
It's going to be interesting.. I'm glad I'm out of the business..