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Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:10 pm
by uebermann
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:25 pm
by PoS
Well lets see them make more games for linux then- the only reason I still use Windooze is because of PC games, there are very few developers making games for linux.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:27 pm
by The Dharma Bum
Perhaps video gaming won't become a thing of the past after all.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:27 pm
by Spider
Valve is on crack.
Not saying I wouldn't be more than happy to game on a Linux box, and escape displays of evil retardation and f*ck-puddle-ism like Win8. But I don't think that's even close to true for the 98% who wouldn't know Linux from a paper towel dispenser.
On the other hand, MS isn't moving Surfaces like they wanted to, and hopefully they'll abandon this horrendous interface after all.
Honestly...what I want to know is how long is it going to take before someone takes the third path: Not OSX, which is closed off and locked onto idiotically overpriced hardware, and not Windows, which gets screwed over by third party bloatware, and installed on bottom of the barrel hardware, thus dragging the whole platform through the mud....but something that has the finances behind it that Linux doesn't, that can be installed on whatever you like, and doesn't require novices to dick around with compilers and command lines, and the lack of a traditional file system.
Perhaps something unix-based, like OSX, but not locked down like a prison camp.
As it stands, linux isn't the answer. Not until someone can finally iron out the last of the things preventing easy migration from Windows/OSX.
Apparently they're releasing a steam console soon after all. Not expecting it to make much of a splash.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:32 am
by exploited
When is the last time you've used Linux, Spider? I ask because many distributions simply do not require any knowledge of the command line, they are actually easier to control than Windows, and of course they look pretty sexy. I've given such distributions for my dad and my grandfather, who installed it themselves with no problems, and neither of them could ever be described as tech savvy.
Linux Mint and Ubuntu are both incredibly user friendly, for instance, while still allowing people to dick around with them if they please. Linux has seen truly staggering advances in recent years, it just isn't the same as it was. Used to require time and effort just to get peripherals to work - now everything works immediately, just by plugging it in. Literally any user can boot up my computer and use it without instruction.
I think Valve is correct in thinking that Linux is the future of gaming. Developers will come up with custom distributions - at no cost - and install them on gaming consoles that are really just compact, graphics-focused computers. It makes so much more sense from a business and consumer perspective. I think Steam Console, done right, will start slow and eventually come to dominate.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:08 am
by exploited
I'll also add that PC and console gaming are already converging. The time is right for the largest game distribution service to provide an alternative - they provide the specifications, OS and distribution service, and other companies provide the hardware. Just like what Android does, and Android is killing it. It is a proven business model, and makes a whole lot of sense for gamers.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:29 am
by eric
I think what they were saying is that it's kind of this market which they haven't fully penetrated.
You also have to remember that there are a lot of Linux-esq luddites that are "anti-paid for software".
I really wish there was a company that made Linux PCs that weren't giant pieces of shit.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:40 am
by exploited
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:10 am
by eric
They wouldn't team up with Nvidia and AMD, since they are competitors. And I don't think they are looking to enter the hardware business. They also will not release a game of Half Life caliber for free. Just doesn't make any sense.
Also, while I definitely agree the best part of Linux is the customization, not allowing potential users to have a customer support base, or standardized product line just keeps them from purchasing Linux pieces.
Not everybody who wants to play video games on a personal computer wants to f**k around with Linux, or build their own computer. You're appealing to a very small market segment, which has always been the big Linux problem.
Re: Valve says Linux is the future of Gaming
Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:13 am
by The Dharma Bum
They only need AMD