by John Galt » Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:03 am
well i got assassin's creed 4 for free and i've played a bit of it. i really don't get the attraction. well, i mean, i love the IDEA of it as i love stealth games (Dishonored, Thief) but this.... he's sprinting or walking and the sprint button is the same as jump up on things button so if i'm trying to sprint around a corner i end up climbing a wall and hanging off a ledge and then the guards catch me and kill me. and if i do fight them i'm mainly spamming buttons and then stuff happens that looks cool but i just spammed buttons i didn't do anything special (as in, too easy). i just feel like the controls are clunky (i am playing on PC). also i sometimes get a weird graphical error where he's missing his lips, so he just looks like a crazy man with clenched teeth showing
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.