Apple Watch
Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:36 pm
by Saz
I'm buying one. Along with the new iPhone 6. Apple stepping up their game finally. ... ple-watch/
Re: Apple Watch
Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:53 pm
by John Galt
i love them mentioning a bunch of shit devices from two years ago could do like it's f**k innovation (e.g, Apple Pay, which is the same thing ive been doing with my android device for a long long time). the watch thing... the market for smart watch/fitness device is saturated and such wearables are old news and not even that intriguing. had they come out with Apple Contacts i would be interested
Re: Apple Watch
Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:14 pm
by Saz
They had mp3 players before the iPod and smartphones before the iPhone also. It's one thing to try something, it's another to do it properly. Can't wait for mobile payments
Re: Apple Watch
Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:16 pm
by Professor
Yeah, not sure I get the hype, either. Now, full disclosure, I'm an Android/Samsung owner, and went that direction after I got fed up with my 3GS, iTunes, etc. (long story).
Seems like 6 things were hyped about the new phone:
1) Larger sizes - yeah, bigger than current iPhones, but still smaller than most (all?) premium Android phones.
2) More memory - can now get a 128MB one. But, I have an S4 that has 2GB internal memory, and 128GB on a card. And, when I filled up my first card with songs and photos, I got a 2nd card. (of course, I can put it all on the cloud, too, if I want - but I don't want)
3) Better battery life - 11 hours of video, which is the same as the S5 is advertised as having.
4) New "double touch" - accesses icons at the top of the phone; but my Android has done this for years...
5) Better camera - Apple has a new 8MP camera, which is half that of the 16MP camera on the S5.
6) Apple Pay - OK, this one sounds intriguing. I can already buy a lot of stuff online with a single click. But, I don't know of any app that allows me to pay at a store. However, this sounds like a software/application thing, not a hardware perk. I expect Android to have something like this in short order.
So, Apple has finally done things that are almost as good as the 1-year-old Galaxy S5. Bravo???
Re: Apple Watch
Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:25 pm
by John Galt
"apple pay" already exists on android as google wallet, and has since 2011. unfortunately verizon and company disabled it on many of the phones because they want you to use their NFC system. but ive been tapping to pay with my nexus 5 since i got it a year ago
Re: Apple Watch
Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:27 pm
by Saz
Dude, half the shit on the S5 doesn't work. This is the point. You have mobile payments on the S5 right? How many places can you use it? How many of your credit cards does it work with? You have all these features in name but in practice your phone probably does less well than an iPhone 4. I know for a fact the photos on my old iPhone 5 are superior to what the galaxy can take, especially in low light, despite having less MP. I do think the size bump is nice but 4.7 is as big as i would go since I keep my phone in my pocket and use it one handed most of the time. Some of these phones are f**k ridiculous in size.If you want bigger than 5.5 just get a damn iPad mini.
The phone itself is just a hardware bump. But functional mobile payments are a game changer. A smart watch that actually works and does more than a few gimmicks, thats a game changer. There is a reason the iPhone is the standard and that's because it doesn't just say it can do things or talk about it's cool specs, it actually performs. Apple would be less profitable if it just printed money in the basement.