The problem with Free Trade is that it exploits populations on both sides of a given national border by taking advantages of social inequity between the developed and developing world. One of the major negative effects of this is to set up a vast incentive to perpetuate social inequity in our national as well as global economic and political structures because it guarantees benefits for financial actors that far exceeds the cost of their investment. Thus neo-liberalism is an anti-progressive and reactionary doctrine.
My question is why should working populations on either side of any border tolerate such a situation? One solution I see being imposed if true democracy can be reinstated would be to institute a global guaranteed minimum income for every person on the planet. Not a high income but one that would allow survival relative to locale and access to adequate health care for every individual on the planet.
One justification for this would be that a capitalist economy takes some value from all, by imposing externalities on all and in the case of the developing world the situation is simply untenable as it is basically wholesale theft of resources from non-technological populations by technological ones.
Thus these externalities have to be exposed to a full and true accounting and adequate compensation rendered to the populations that make this state of affairs possible. Anything less is mismanagement, a failure to provide proper administration, and a breach of fiduciary responsibility.