No Jail Drug Laws
Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:18 pm
by JockandBallTorture
My truck was broken into today and instead of finding a lot of things missing, the thief actually left something behind of lesser value in place of what he took...
...that doesn't matter but it got me thinking about drugs and possession.
What would be the consequences of a law that involved the confiscation and disposal of drugs (generally, narcotics and cocaine) but no jail time for traffickers and those in possession?
Fines are applicable.
Resisting will result in the usual consequence of resisting arrest.
Re: No Jail Drug Laws
Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:35 pm
by Saz
No real change because no serious business other than criminal cartels would go into it. If anything it would make them wealthier and more powerful, as they have better access to their markets and less risk of prosecution. No no, this would be a bad idea.
The government should just sell the drugs itself. Blows the black markets and the criminal enterprises right out of the water, and gives the government valuable data, and funding, for mental health and substance abuse programs.It's the 21st century, people are going to use drugs for f**k everything. Recreation, performance, longevity, just get used to it and accept the fact that demand will be there and all you can do is responsibly manage this trend.
Re: No Jail Drug Laws
Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:36 pm
by spacemonkey
Arrested for pot = draconian laws perpetuated by draconian mentality. FACT .. .. alcohol has put, and continues to put more people in the grave yard then pot. End of story.
Re: No Jail Drug Laws
Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:13 pm
by JockandBallTorture
I am not vigorously arguing in support of it. But, looking for other views on the matter...
I support a great deal of drug legalization and limited regulation on an open drug market for all classes of substances. I see this as less about drugs and more of a step to reduce prison populations and the nature of violent drug trafficking in general.