by Sandman » Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:35 pm
That Kentuckians have atrocious dental health is not a "generalization", it's a statistical fact. They have the worst record in the entire nation. I didn't use that particular example to "mask the smell", I used it because it's such a concrete negative cultural phenomenon, and one that has been so thoroughly recorded and proven, that I thought EVEN YOU would be able to curb your cartoonish apologism for two whole seconds to concede the tiny point. I guess I was giving you too much credit, lol.
You can call it fallacious, but seeing how poor dental health has a direct negative physical effect on a person, a compulsion to do the things that lead to that outcome (like, I don't know............putting mountain dew in baby bottles at an epidemic level) can pretty squarely be called a negative cultural trait. It doesn't mean the entire culture of the people of Kentucky is inferior. It certainly means they are inferior in that one instant, though.
Maybe it's easier to just ask you if YOU think there are ANY cultural phenomenons that are objectively negative? Any at all? I mean, we already established that you think forced clitoral mutilation is exactly the same as a teenage American girl getting her ears pierced at a mall kiosk next to Bed, Bath, and Beyond..............but what about chattel slavery? Pederasty? Honor killings? Homicidal homophobia? Don't dodge this question, please. Just this one. Answer it honestly.