Being human is all about paradox. Not only do you have the practicle situation outlined in the OP, but you have it in the spiritual sense: We crave meaning and purpose but exist in a place where none is provided, and so we are forced to rely on faith, disregard all-together, or be impartial. Even biologically we are a paradox: Every day we are alive, we are a day closer to death. Our cells are constantly dying and regenerating, making us alive and dead at the same time.
But, how to reconcile all that? (do we even need to?)
All we need is love, baby!
As another tool, there is humor. We seem to be the only aspect of the universe that has this ability. So, maybe that can be our solution too.
Btw...better throw up a link and opinion in the OP or this thing's gonna get locked down faster than a hooker on free f**k night.