Re: What is truth?
Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:48 pm
by uebermann
Depends on what your definition of truth is. Are you talking about "universal" truths? I don't think any such thing exists.
As far as "truths" in the sense of what we, humankind, define as truth, I think a lot of it is wrong. Truths are pretty much opinions that most people will agree upon as being true.
You see religious people talking about how you can find truths in their religion but that is just their perception. To them, that may be truths, but to others not. So is it then not a truth? All about perception.
By the same token, facts can be false or untrue as well. Facts are only as we can see them or understand them.
Fact: We are all affected by gravity.
Well, we call it gravity but what is gravity exactly? How exactly does it work? What all forces are involved? We don't know. So while on the face we can call that a fact, it may not be what we conceive as gravity that is actually effecting us at all but rather something else entirely and we just don't know about it. It could be multiple forces all working together. So at that point do we say oh well its gravity when all of these forces we didn't know about start working together, or do we say ok well we used to call this one force gravity but we've found out that there are several other factors at play when we discuss what we call gravity.