So im pretty gullible. I like to believe everything and that way when the truth comes out i can say i knew it the whole time. With that being said I was a sucker for the Sandy Hook conspiracy and got sucked in, spending like 2 hours watching videos on youtube. Here is the original one I watched, its the best one i found ( ... IoPjfLnEFY).
Point #1: The parents.
I don't have children, but I know if I lost a child this way there is no way I would go on national television, or local television for that matter, to talk about it. Some of these parents went on TV TWO DAYS after the shooting...are you kidding me? And I know people grieve differently but out of the 27 casualties, you want to tell me so many of those families were people who felt no problem with "grieving" on national television...most of which didn't even shed a tear?
Point #2: The Random Guy the kids were with.
You're a teacher...or bus driver...or whoever (this dude changed his story a lot) and you rescued a classrooom of kids from a school shooting...would you really leave them with some strange man?? when the FIRE HOUSE is directly behind his house? i dont think so. If i rescued kids from a shooting i would not let them out of my sight. period.
Point #3: The Casualties
Im not sure if this point was made in this video or in another one i watched, but there were no injured. In recent shootings (columbine, Virginia tech, the theater shooting) they all had casualties. Kids are small and i supposed to believe this guy is that great a shot?
Point #4: No emergency vehicles at the school.
now this footage could have been taken later after all of the emergency vehicles were moved, but in all the news stories i watched, none showed any EMTs, cops, fire trucks at the school, most were at the fire house down the road where they STAYED. none left...where are all the kids? where all all the fatalities? did they up and walk out?
ok those are all the point im going to make. The last thing i will say is this is supposed to be the work of the government in hopes of us losing all of our gun privileges which i dont think is that far fetched an idea. i would LOVE someone to do the research and prove to me this is all crazy talk because the whole thing really freaks me out.