Odd favorite Cars

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Re: Odd favorite Cars

Postby Spider » Tue Sep 17, 2013 3:40 pm

Ya, I knew that about the Prelude. Accord platform.

As to the BRZ brothers....in photos they look like crap, honestly, but in person, they look great. One of the more nonphotogenic cars around.

Love a chance to toss one around. If the thing drives great, I don't need big power. (I've got motorcycles for that.) Thus my soft spot for the lowly Mazda Miata.
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Re: Odd favorite Cars

Postby exploited » Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:09 pm

First car was a 1999 Chevy Lumina.

Ugly, and a boat, but it had a 3.1 V6 and I liked to race sporty small cars and destroy them.

Now I drive the 2012 Chevy Sonic, which is alot of fun to drive and fairly powerful for the size of engine and small horsepower. Not as fast as the Focus, but I love it, and the price was good.
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