by exploited » Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:53 am
It is childish, immature and attention-seeking behaviour to post this on social media after a mere 20 hours, especially when the "missing person" is relatively famous among a demographic of people who talk favorably about "weaponized autism." If you are going to do anything on social media, you create a private group and invite people you know are there and you know are friends, in addition to calling the police. What you don't do is broadcast this all over Twitter for any f**k asshole to get ahold of. I would have friends I KNOW AND TRUST looking for my wife, not a bunch of rabid neckbeards who jerk off to her livestream.
It is called privacy. Some people respect it, and some don't. Privacy for your family issues, privacy for your loved ones, privacy for your problems. If and when you know something is really up (i.e. NOT when somebody decides not to check Twitter or call you for under a day), maybe you can start thinking about rolling this out to social media.