Most of you know I'm a very big fan of the way Apple generally does business... I think they do it with a bigger set of balls than all the rest of the tech companies combined.
But they are going a direction now with the release of the 5s that I consider to be very murky territory. They've essentially stopped innovating until next year, and are attempting to carry themselves a full 4 quarters simply on attitude and principle as a business model. The iPhone 5, by every indication is a quality of product that could carry them that long, if any could in this day and age, but not many companies in the last 2 decades have decided "Well, our product is so solid it can skate for a while", infact the only company really that comes to mind that had such an incredible product that they literally skated for years on it was Volvo when they made the 240 series cars. Infact they stopped building them because they themselves became paranoid that if they stayed utilitarian and didn't go sexy, they would fail. Of course that brought in 2 decades of total fail trying to compete directly with BMW and Mercedes in the luxury car market. The iphone is also seemingly a bullet-proof product, but the sheer weight of impatience in the western tech market could sink a reference-quality product of any kind.
Just thought some people with an objective viewpoint on the business side of this might like to talk about it... cuz a fingerprint sensor =/= a product refresh.