it's one thing for an olympic bid to be about venues. it's an entirely different thing if the bid presupposes systemic problems in the site will be cleaned up if the bid is achieved. why not wait for those problems to be fixed, and then they can bid to win the games?
it's not like this is surprising. people have been saying what is happening will happen for the entire time. this isn't china who would take a loss economically rather than lose face about an issue like this, this is brazil. worse, brazil is in recession and their economy is tanking so there is no funds for this kind of thing. their economy contracted over 4% last year ... t-in-2015/ their people are demanding the president's impeachment, for her involvement in billions in bribes to oil companies. money that could have went to you know, fulfilling promises about rio's water.
and f**k the olympics, it's shameful this kind of literal shit has to be put up with by people. it's amazing how different the us and canada are from latin america. there is some corruption in our politics, no doubt, but the scale of it is so much more south of us
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.