by John Galt » Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:50 pm
cinematics? i had every light off in the house and i couldn't see shit
the dothroaki riding off really pissed me off. visually it was cool. in terms of making it seem scary as hell because the night is dark and full of terrors it was cool. the idea of charging with 10k cav in darkness without knowing what they were going after except you know that they can rise you from the dead and add you to their ranks seemed laughably incompetent. they spent the last episode going over battle plans and sucking tyrion's dick for being a genius and THAT IS WHAT THEY f**k DID? and then they put the f**k siege engines in front of the infantry? and fired one f**k volley? are you f**k kidding me? AND THEN... AND THEN they decide to use the dragons? only, just one pass guys, don't want to make it easy for the defenders or anything, lets just fly around for this fight and run into each other
i wanted the f**k WINGED HUSSARS to arrive, the dothraki screamers coming in from the side while the undead were storming the gates of vienna, and the unsullied were holding as best they could, while the dragons defended the f**k cav
but no
and then after all that the night king just died...
turns out, his entire purpose was to destroy all of Danerys' options for battling to win her throne EXCEPT for dragons. so we get mad queen vs mad queen set up, and jaime and jon are going to have to kill their former lovers
f**k this f**k shit
I WILL give the writers credit on some things. Unless they didn't f**k realize what they were doing which is possible... faceless god gives arya the abilites of an assassin. the lord of light raises beric von jesus over and over, for a final crucifixion to save arya. the seven save sandor clegane the broken man so he can protect arya. the drowned god gave arya time to get into position. and the old gods gave arya the knife. now that, that is cool. but the actual death sucked. not even how he died, but because he didn't win after breaking down the wall at all. and he killed no names, instead of anyone the viewer cared about. he never hit his high water mark. we never get to look into his actual motivations. he's just evil because he's evil. how f**k boring
we are left questions as "why the f**k was jon raised from the f**k dead?" and "did they seriously add in ghost a week ago? NO ONE NOTICES HIM" and "wait is this f**k Lost and are they all already f**k dead?"
i wanted one of two things to happen that episode. i wanted the NK to not even be there but bran dies (so he could be sacking KL or something on his dragon) to unHodor, or for the NK to reach Bran, and kneel, turning everything on its f**k head
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.