I understand what they are doing and why they are doing it, and its likely for those reasons I have zero interest at the moment. They are focusing on the multimedia aspect and the "cool" factor instead of giving what gamers want. I think its an absolutely retarded concept, but no doubt it'll sell units.
Voice commands, motions are ultimately going to fail. Especially for those that have kids. Its like they think only single, mature people are going to own gaming consoles (if this thing can actually be labeled that at this point). I honestly doubt any real gamers have had their hands on this thing yet for real testing. Its probably been MS fanboys in MS settings, if that. Of course problems aren't going to be found and fixed until after release and god knows how long that is going to take.
Not to mention all of the online only crap that keeps coming up. Look, the idea is flawed beyond belief. It just doesn't work the way its intended to. Hackers are STILL going to get the games they want and play them and so you only end up punishing those that actually buy the stuff. Don't worry about the GD hackers - worry about your customers.
The next step is to completely eliminate the used games market - and this console is a step in that direction. Games will end up being download only and you'll only hold so many on the HDD at a time before you just uninstall them and they are on the "cloud".
Thoroughly unimpressed on the whole about it all.
Also, stop f**k forcing Windows 8 shit down my throat please MS. I thought you learned your lesson with Vista on trying to make people feel stupid for not liking something that clearly sucks. Apparently not.