by Spider » Fri Dec 06, 2013 4:30 pm
You should really talk to Exploited about pizza. He's a black belt.
But for dough its just flour, water, salt, yeast, olive oil.
Get one of those little yeast packets, pour it into a cup of warm water in a big bowl. Wait 5 minutes. Then add just under 3 cups of flour, more or less to suit you. I like dough as hydrated as possible, but it should clean the bowl, and not be a pain to work with. Add half a teaspoon of salt, and a couple teaspoons of olive oil. More oil won't hurt. Mix it all up really well. Knead it by hand for 10 minutes or so. Or just toss it all in a stand mixed with a hook and let it do all the work while you drink beer. Work it more for chewier crust, less for lighter crust. Let it rise till doubled, punch it down, let it rest, stretch or roll it into whatever shape. Add toppings, etc.
You can do this the day before and let it sit in the fridge. Just let it come back up to temperature when you pull it out before using.