by exploited » Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:02 pm
Good list, although I think you should take into consideration a certain level of original content too. Making threads is nearly as important as posting in them. Many of those people just don't make threads.
I would vote for Sandman, but he isn't around enough.
Comrade makes good points, but he frequently gets bogged down in disputes, and sometimes trolls more than is appropriate. So he doesn't get my vote, although I do agree with him more often then not (except in terms of entertainment of course).
G5000... Well, he's funny, and economically, there aren't many who can compete with him. But he hasn't posted enough here, and I haven't seen ANY original content from him. So no vote here.
WizardOfOz... Don't know him well enough. From what I've seen, I'm not especially impressed. Just "okay" in my books, in terms of post quality.
JDHURF... He frequently makes good posts, but I can't vote for a guy who is that ideological. I view it as an intellectual weakness, and the BOJO Recipient for 2012 shouldn't have an intellectual weakness. Also, I'm not sure if he has a sense of humour.
Enyon gets my vote. He is never an asshole, and he frequently makes us laugh. He always has good opinions, and those opinions are not limited to any one ideological belief. He is a lawyer, but a good-guy lawyer, and he has been a long time contributor to this community. He frequently posts original content, and as a result, we've had a number of really interesting discussions.