there are lots of reasons to not set up shop in america and whatnot, but i really don't think healthcare costs are really relevant. in the end, the people need X dollars to meet Y standard of living. whether or not it is done by private or public doesn't really enter into it. private through companies is subsidized with tax breaks for the company. companies doesn't pay taxes on the premium for the healthcare policies. the health benefits exclusion is the single largest federal tax expenditure. so really you just don't know what you're talking about. if what you said had a modicum of a relationship to reality, than silicon valley wouldn't have been the biggest explosion of innovation ever it would have been in some other country, and those that are leaving the valley (because it's like 8k for a hamburger from mcdonalds out there) for other pastures would be going to that one place that's better and decidedly not in america. but they are moving to the midwest and colorado.
HQ2 is because i constantly was getting linkedin crap for amazon and wanted me to move out to seattle... they jsut don't have enough people there. they shortlisted another country just because they wanted to seem international
sidewalklabs is in NYC
ubisoft is french that's why
Collision is apparently a tech conference of 25k, and that's like, i guess how do i put this, f**k irrelevant