by Spider » Fri May 24, 2013 10:09 am
I get it. I know its going that way.
I just don't like it!
I like owning things. And selling things. I like throwing a bunch of crap on craigslist and having people come and hand me money can so they haul it away. I really enjoy that.
I like the consumer having the choices and the power, as opposed to being beholden to some d-bag somewhere who's trying to maximize his bottom line. Used games, used books, etc....allow a much wider spectrum of people to take advantage of things, and to recoup their losses.
Basically, we're passively (or even actively!) allowing the situation to arise where we pay more for the same product but have no freedom of it. We're supposed to bitch and moan about things getting more expensive, or more closed off and restrictive, and force the market to suit us, rather than cheer them on and shower them with additional money.
Its like a massive inversion of consumerism. Here! Take more money! Give me an inferior product! Thank you sir, may I have another?!