Not a bad map, Boris.
I think that my most awe-inspiring moment on a road trip was driving along I-70 to Devner. Imagine you're on some wagon train back in the 1800s. You're riding along this flat, featureless landscape. You start to see a smudge on the horizon. It doesn't get any bigger for hours (or days, if you're on horse). Then, all of a sudden, it starts growing. You notice that some parts are brown, while some are white.
Then you start to make out individual mountains. Once you get to where you can start picking out valleys, you realize that they stretch north and south as far as you can see. If you were in a wagon, you'd be faced with going into this wall of mountains, or spending the next year going around.
Seriously, it's the most imposing, awesome (true sense of the word), humbling thing I've ever seen.