If it goes that way. I mean, you have to deal with the DRM for sure over here, but only in the case of having bought a game from a dickhead company like EA over there. So its suck all the time vs suck sometimes. The way I imagine it is EA forcing you to create an account with them and register the game before playing it. Like origin but hopefully not completely f**k awful like origin.
I'm less bothered by DRM on the PC for some reason. Maybe just because its always been there, after a fashion. It would be nice to think this could eventually shake out as well as Steam did. I have to bear in mind that when Steam launched, I hated it. Hated it. Now I really like having it around, even if the way it fits into my file system pisses me off.
Consoles are just consoles though. Just boxes you plug into a TV. Being able to toss games around and play from the recliner without having to deal with that shit is really their saving grace. I've always thought of them more as toys. Buying and selling games is part of that deal. Or more importantly, renting them, since they are generally over in a few hours and are now just collecting dust. I really enjoyed the uncharted games...but there is zero chance in hell I ever would have bought them at $60 a pop. Zero chance. Same for nearly every other console game I've really liked.