by broken robot » Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:42 am
If you want to talk about evolutionary explanations of why people enjoy porn, forget all this nonsense about male dominance and men wanting to dominate women. Simple fact is we are stimulated by sex in fairly standard biochemical ways, all people. We're simple bloody creatures, just like violence increases our adrenaline. The problem with porn in a specific social and historical context is that we have screwed up ways of dealing with relatively simple desires. So there's porn in a generic sense, such as watching other people engage in sexual acts, which is going to stimulate you regardless of sexual orientation, gender, and so on, and then there's porn in late capitalist US which yes has f**k tendencies but is a bit more complex than how people often portray it.
People conflate these things and get into this weird anti-porn discourse like they're trying to exorcise their own sexuality. So in response to OP one way we can deal with porn in a healthier way in contemporary US is simply by changing our social norms, accepting that porn actors and actresses can have a variety of social roles: business woman, model, traditional actor, etc. No porn star is going to benefit from stigmatization in any sense, they're often already dealing with difficult family histories. It's simply moronic that Miss Delaware or whoever is receiving this kind of punitive treatment.
The Subversives