Humility is more powerful than hubris because it is not generated from fear and doesn't create empty, external power.
That being said, I think there is something to be said about doing what we always do without having to exchange "electronic tokens" (I would say pieces of paper). The pieces of paper we exchange are only of value because we choose for them to be. It's a fantastic sign that we can do all that we do for nothing more than pieces of paper, actually, because if we do these things for something so worthless (it really is just paper) than we are certainly capable of doing those things for something more worthy like the condition of humanity itself - of yourself or others.
On another note, I disagree with the tactic being used in the OP campaign. Although it brings to light a possibility, it does so in a fearful way, and the fact is that it's still just a possibility. Instead of showing something aweful that might happen, I would prefer to be given an example of what I am capable of right now - how I can access freedom right now - and in what ways I can create more.