by Spider » Thu May 02, 2013 6:59 pm
If an ape can do it, the less stupid humans are probably going to be insulted by it. Remember when Sawyer figured out how to get a fish biscuit? Windows 8 is like that.
I'm speaking generally. As for Win8, I think metro is a terrific idea for a tablet. Which is obviously what it was designed for. They didn't put gigantic childish buttons on it because a cursor is the size of an index finger. Having had a chance to play with a Surface, I've been very impressed.
Their mistake was in trying to force it on everyone. It would have been simplistic to just have a box you can check to sets it to non-touchscreen mode, and shuts off metro. Which would have completely solved the whole annoying aspect, and allowed me to not have to take an additional step to get to the desktop. But they didn't. They want to treat the 99% of users who have a mouse or trackpad as if they were using a touchscreen. Its idiotic. I've found that burying the cursor in the lower left corner and right clicking gives me a menu to quickly get to things that would have been more annoying slogging though metro. I've been playing with Win8 since the developer preview release, well before the beta. I've been expecting them to correct these obvious flaws since before they even had a stable sound output. But no dice. If anything, its worse.
Again, its not so much that its there...its that they have worked so hard to take away any choice in the matter. The lack of the option is what offends me. If it gets to the point where I can't get a Win7 laptop, I'll buy an apple laptop. Its pretty bad when Microsoft pushes me, a rather reliable hater of Apple computers, to buy one. Because OSX doesn't force me to imagine a tablet when I'm trying to run a real computer. I don't feel silly playing with OSX. Win8 without a tablet feels like it was made for elementary school kids.