The history of Johnsonia: Part 1
After giving up the nomad lark on the confluence of 4 rivers (how that actually works, f**k knows) the brave Johnsonian people set about making a civilisation and doing it right.
Luckily they happened to settle amongst a metric shit ton of corn and potatoes and thus London capitol of Johnsonia was off to a flying start as the greatest city of the extra ancient world. Figure out how to farm that corn in about 5400bc helped of course.
However, all was not well, soon it was discovered that to the south the filthy, lazy and feckless people of rome resided. After some intital tense negociation it was agreed that the border between the great nation of johnsonian and the petty chiefdom of rome would be middle of the Azo-something mountains. In good faith the peaceful Johnsonian people assumed a new era of peace and shit would follow.
However, no doubt alarmed by the success of the Indian and Chinese people's, and lead by the feckless tyrant known as the 'comrade' the filthy (and probably mostly gay as their population is growing really slowly, compared to the 50,000 Johnsonians, 2nd in the world!) Romans outrageously pushed their luck by founding a city right on the edge of the boarder. Brave Johnsonian settlers soon followed by founding the town of york on the sea.
And.. thats as far as we got (its on 'marathon mode' to create a sense of epicness and allow people to join in). With most of world a mystery and rumours of the Indians and Chinese being pretty good at this civilisation shit. Also the iroquois (whom the dharma bum may inherit soon) and Arabs are kicking about too (all can be played by someone).