by Mr.Bill » Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:18 am
I'm mostly talking about the weather bothering Manning.. Let's face it as he goes so goes the Denver offense. And like it or not, even with million $ athletes the older you get the more the cold weather bothers you. They did score 31 points.. BUT some of that was the defense, and much of it was the Denver running game was very impressive. But nowadays in most games no team can count on their running game.
Early in his career Favre won like a million games in a row when the temp was less than 40 degrees.. BUT his last couple of years at GB, and his year in NY when the weather got cold he flat out stunk. Later in his career you can see in cold weather he was 1/2 the QB he was in warmer weather or a dome. I thought I saw some of that last night with Manning. At times when the camera was on him when he was on the sidelines he looked like he'd rather be anywhere but there.
We'll see as the year goes on, especially if Denver gets the home field throughout the playoffs.. It does get chilly in Denver.