by Dobby » Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:02 am
I wonder if the company would have a leg to stand on if a claim was made by said individual that the company was 'stalking' them, as a result of this pre-screening of prospective employees. I'm not sure what the outcome of this would be in a court of law in regards to anti-stalking laws. Of course there is still the other side of the argument that should someone be unhappy with the way the way fb operates then maybe they shouldn't use it. To use a terrible analogy, fb is a dodgy bar. If you don't want to be associated with the going's on at the dodgy bar, then don't go to it (or use fb in this instance). However, this is not to say that the people that use this bar (the company in this instance) are not using for dodgy or potentially illegal purposes, as they probably are.