Any astronomers?
Mon Mar 04, 2013 11:58 pm
by uebermann
I'm looking to get into astronomy since there's a lot of celestial events this year and am probably looking to get this telescope: ... 130eq.htmlI've read comments on the net about it and people like it but you need a few addons to really make it shine. I will be getting those as well. Looking to take pictures of celestial bodies for the most part. Was mostly curious if I need to get some sort of addon other than something to hold the camera? Like an extra eyepiece just for cameras or if the normal eyepiece is ok.
Re: Any astronomers?
Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:28 am
by foadi
this is my telescope
now, you're prolly asking yourself "well golly, why does your telescope have three phones, foadi?" well i can assure you they all have a purpose.
Re: Any astronomers?
Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:35 am
by WizardfromOz
This is pretty close to my rig, add a laptop and a smaller finder scope and you have the ground based Hubble support scope
Re: Any astronomers?
Tue Mar 05, 2013 1:16 am
by uebermann
Well, I am just looking to get into it so I'm not looking to drop a large amount of cash. Probably 300-350max for the first telescope plus the various attachments.
Re: Any astronomers?
Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:36 am
by John Galt
i'm hoping to get set up myself for the events later this year (i want a faster lens). i have a thing for big pictures to capture the enormity of something, so i won't use a telescope for photographing stars and comets and the like. gotta remember, the world is spinning round, so you only have a limited amount of time to expose before it all looks like comets, and the faster the lens the better
for pansarrs this next week, on the 10th it will be closest to the sun. on the twelth, near after sunset if you look into the west, the slim crescent of the moon will be near the comet and may make for a lovely picture. after that, it will be a new moon and you'll be able to capture more of the night sky. should be able to continue to see the comet until about the 20th, then you'll need one of wizard's set ups. the comet should be visible soon after sunset in the western sky, low to the horizon. it won't be as spectacular as the one later this year but i think it'll still look nice.
Re: Any astronomers?
Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:28 am
by John Galt
oh my mistake it looks so classy with that massive amount of wall space and everything placed off center
why even have wood trim