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Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:25 pm
by Daktoria
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:33 pm
by OGPhilly
It says I'm a "Hollywood Republican"
Funny though, the graph I ended up with is almost the same as my Political Compass graph
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:49 pm
by Daktoria
There's another graph and some text last I checked.
I'll take it again just to show what's up.
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:51 pm
by OGPhilly
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:10 pm
by Sazari
FTR, this is spot on for me and my graph is pretty much the same as it was in political compass.
This combination of political beliefs advocates for scientifically based social planning on a wider scale. This is the mindset of the World Bank or IMF, who advocate a comprehensive set of fiscal and monetary policies based on the “best practices” known in the economic or individualist paradigm.
This personality type combines these five perspectives:
autocrat,big state, individualist, rationalist, wide focus
believe that people will complain no matter what you do.
government support for people or industries who experience misfortune
doing away with arbitrary rules.
governments working from a set of logical rules.
nations and civilizations go through stages of development like individuals do.
having too many people involved in a decision (too many cooks).
expanding the range of public insurance programs (employment insurance, old age pensions, medicare and disability programs)
being bound by scriptures, loosely defined rights, or old conventions.
being accountable to community standards
a program of incremental changes.
Philosophy: Corporatist
Highest ranking dimension: Rationalist
You believe in the power of reason to solve problems. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a leader who will honest about the costs and benefits of things. You may have felt that what the country really needs is to stop wasting time and money on silly hot button issues. This may be because you have been annoyed by people who get disproportionately excited about issues that won ’t make much difference to people’s lives no matter how they are decided. It may also be because you see too many squeaky wheels getting too much grease. Others may disagree with you because they have an emotional attachment to their positions and don’t see things in an objective way. W hen politicians of your type make mistakes because what they perceive as "logical" comes across as "confusing" or "uncaring", and they can’t win people over.
Second highest ranking dimension: Autocratic
You believe in strong leadership. You may have felt that what the country really needs is for someone to really take charge and break out of the inertia. This may be because you have strong opinions of which you are confident, and like to see political leaders who are like you. It may also be because you are suspicious of the ability of groups, especially large groups to make tough decisions. Others may disagree with you because they trust people less than they trust the "rules of procedure", because they have issues with authority, or because that they feel that "government just doesn ’t listen." When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they try to fit a simple solution on a complex problem.
Famous Brettonists
Woodrow Wilson
John Maynard Keynes
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:02 pm
by foadi
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:36 pm
by Dobby
On the first graph I was in the bottom left square halfway up it but well to the left - Big Government, Individualist.
On the second graph I was pretty much bang the middle of the bottom right - Democratic, Wide Focus.
Highest ranking dimension: Big Government
You believe in the power of government to make life better. You may have felt that what the country really needs is for the government to get serious about the many problems that people face. This may be because you have seen the system break down and know people who have fallen through the cracks. It may also be because you feel that our society is at risk our communities need better protection from internal and external dangers. Others may disagree with you because they are focused on what government does wrong, rather than what it does right. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they create programs that solve one problem but create others.
Second highest ranking dimension: Wide Focus
You believe that people should look at the big picture before making decisions. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a government that can focus on the big issues that will be affecting everyone of the next 100 years. This may be because you have seen too much spending on the "symptoms" rather than the underlying causes. It may also be because you feel that wealthy countries have a responsibility to the rest of the world. Others may disagree with you because they don ’t want to set aside their own needs for the needs of others far away. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they can be too optimistic about their ability to make a difference.
Combined statement:
Based on your answers, you are a strong supporter of a "planned society".
DBILW - Internationalist
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ
This personality is a “democracy without borders” point of view that promotes human rights and seeks a just and progressive world order.
This personality type combines these five perspectives:
democrat, big state, individualist, idealist, wide focus.
Likes and dislikes
sensitivity to inequalities of power and influence
prefers negotiation to use of force.
government support for people or industries who experience misfortune
looking to scriptures, rights, or treaties.
society is in need of a "paradigm shift."
overt patriotism
working from overly abstract “models.”
addressing the symptoms rather than the "root causes."
Philosophy: Liberal Democrat
Alternate Nicknames: (suggest a different nickname for this type)
Issues to visit:
The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.
for: UN reform, civil rights, fair trade, public education, public health care, same-sex marriage
against: arms trade, war on terror, war on drugs? death penalty, free trade
(please add/remove an issue)
Famous Internationalists
Woodrow Wilson
M.K. Gandhi
Robert Pearson
Lloyd Axworthy
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:11 am
by PoS
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:24 am
by Daktoria
Re: Open Politics Quiz
Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:35 am
by OGPhilly
I thought it would still be the same. Big/Small govt is Left/Right and Collectivist/Individualist is Authoritarian/Libertarian. I mean not exactly but for the purposes of comparing the two tests it is.