by John Galt » Fri May 02, 2014 11:48 am
going for business but have the weekend as well. anything in particular i should go see? i drove around nyc (as in trying to avoid it on trips to and from my previous home in RI) that's about it. i'll be at the millineum hilton near the wtc. yes i'll be touristy i don't give a shit. so far i have plans to the wtc memorial of course, take the staten island ferry to see the statute, go to central park, there's some pizza place i heard i need to go to near the brooklyn bridge, i wanted to go see grand central, and maybe go to west village, times square, etc. what i'm asking for is there some f**k amazing deli i should go to, some off the beaten trail amazing nyc thing, things of this nature
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.