by Ben Huh » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:49 pm
I'll buy into one of Obama's economic plans when it, along with the GOP, doesn't f**k middle class Americans in the ass. This toolbag wants to come out and be a champion of the little guy while supporting legislation he knows only corporations have the funds to get around. Does he not realize that a lot of middle-class earners are small business owners? Does he not know that if these same small businesses have to pay out the ass in things like healthcare, taxes, etc. it forces many of them out of business? Why do the rich get richer and poor get poorer under the champion of the poor? Because he's a f**k fake. Look at the Marketplace Fairness Act which he pimped out in front of an Amazon distribution center this week. It states that if an online based business has on-ground distribution centers, it only has to pay the sales taxes in the states where those centers are. What if your company is too small to have on-ground distribution centers, or your business only exists as a website to sell your products/goods across the country? Then you have to pay sales taxes in all the nearly 10,000 sales tax jurisdictions in the US and its territories. The GOP is a joke. The DNC is a joke. This whole f**k government is a joke. I refuse to support a president that continues to see Wall St. perps break law after law and get nothing but slaps on the wrists. f**k that. I may be done voting as long as the 2 party stranglehold is still around in this country. What happens when the Dems fail to bring back our economy? We vote back in the Republicans, the party a majority of Americans blame for us being in this spot to begin with. Goddamn shame man.
Last edited by
Ben Huh on Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."