Obama To Promise Action on Student Loans

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Re: Obama To Promise Action on Student Loans

Postby nordictruce » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:20 am

I have one particular programmer who does freelance work for me that remidns me of this thread. He's 28 years old. He's not the best programmer I've ever seen, nor is he the best. He's a pretty avg PHP programmer, more so WordPress than anything.

So whenever we're overflowed with work I will shoot him an email and he will quote me a price that is usually more than what I want to pay (him) to do the work for. The thing is, he's not good enough for me to put on my best projects, but he wants to be be paid like he 's working on the best projects because he has best project bills lol.

So what happens? I generally don't use him. For the work he is doing + his skillset he's about 30% too high on avg.

The web development industry has changed so much. Clients (most of them) aren't stupid. There is no more voodooo behind website development and you can't charge people 2 grand for a 7 page static mom and pop website anymore like you could 10 years ago. The good programmers will always be able to name their price. That hasn't changed that won't change. People will pay for premium service.

Honestly, the shit programmers really things have not changed. The guys willing to do a 5 page website for 50 dollars lol were doing it 10 years ago and are doing it now.

But the guys who have some skill set, yet not enough to command top dollar, can't trick clients into over paying anymore it's too competitive.
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Re: Obama To Promise Action on Student Loans

Postby exploited » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:47 am

God I loved the web design business back in the day. When I was in Grade 10 I started my first company and hit up all the local businesses, cycling through templates and working about an hour on each, then selling them for $500 a pop. I paid for most of the alcohol and weed I needed during college/university with that money.
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