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Google cuts off some business with Huawei • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Google cuts off some business with Huawei

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Google cuts off some business with Huawei

Postby reedak » Mon May 20, 2019 2:36 am

1. The following are excerpts from Angela Moon's May 20, 2019 article headlined "Exclusive: Google suspends some business with Huawei after Trump blacklist - source".

(Begin excerpts)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Alphabet Inc’s Google has suspended business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software and technical services except those publicly available via open source licensing, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Sunday, in a blow to the Chinese technology company that the U.S. government has sought to blacklist around the world... (End excerpts)

Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-huaw ... SKCN1SP0NB

2. US intensifying assaults against Huawei are tantamount to killing an ant with a missile. Not to be left out in the cold, US Senator Charles Schumer is calling for a “top-to-bottom review” of Chinese train maker CRRC Corporation Limited's business in the US as, alleged by him, it “could potentially expose US rail system to cyber espionage and sabotage”.

It makes no sense for a supposedly sole superpower to go all out to crush a foreign company and other minor companies on the way. As a Chinese saying goes, "Scolding a monk by pointing a finger at a bald man", behind all the apparent farce is the sinister agenda to cut China's international stature down to size.

China has to wake up to the realities in the face of US intensifying assaults against its companies and tightening restrictions on its global business:

(a) All the US restrictions on China's international trade and companies are tantamount to sanctions in disguise.

(b) Trump bragged that his tariffs on Chinese goods are causing companies to move production out of China to Vietnam and other countries in Asia, and added that any agreement with China cannot be a "50-50" deal. He is so confident of winning the "little squabble" that he boasted to reporters at the White House on Tuesday (May 14) morning, "You know what: We always win."

Anyway, it is easy for him to enact hostile laws against any country but difficult, if not impossible, to rescind them as it requires bipartisan consensus. Like Humpty Dumpty, or rather Trumpty Drumpty, after a great fall off the wall in the well-known Mother Goose rhyme, all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put the "Trumpty US-Sino relations” together again. In short, US-Sino relations are spiralling down the slope of no return.

(c) The US is no newcomer to geopolitical strife. There is an uncanny parallel between the current US crackdown on China and its all-out efforts to cut Japan's global stature down to size before World War 2.

https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article ... rain-maker
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Re: Google cuts off some business with Huawei

Postby spacemonkey » Mon May 20, 2019 11:48 am

Corporations here , there, or anywhere should never get that big/powerful. The net should be from the worst of the worst, to the best of the best. That's what the human mind is anyway. Even a world market is finite.
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