Why do we need Europe if we have Russia snd UK?

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Why do we need Europe if we have Russia snd UK?

Postby Stratego » Mon Jun 03, 2019 9:38 pm

As I said before, Russia has been our greatest ally.  Why do we actually care about Europe?  The European Union is not democratic.  Everybody in it wants to leave.  Why don't we just accept their wishes?

1. If UK wants to leave the EU, let them.  Then the US can form an economic alliance with them without needing to abide by EU laws

2. Form a non intervention pact with Russia

3. Establish common sense reform in the Middle East.  The US, UK, and Russia can come together to end the Syria crisis

4. Allow the parts of Ukraine who wants to join Russia to do so.  The US will not bend to EU demands to stop it

5. Russia will cease support for Maduro and US will bring democracy instead of socialism to Venezuela

6. US and Russia will join scientific efforts to explore the artics for sustainable oil and natural gas

7. Ensure not just energy independence, but energy dominance for years
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Re: Why do we need Europe if we have Russia snd UK?

Postby spacemonkey » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:31 am

Much of Europe went to shit after the recent immigration event. Same will happen here if the wall is not done. **==
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