Source: ... story.html
2. One cannot but wonder how the scandal-hit guy could be elected as the president of a supposedly "world model of democracy". He even bragged that he could win the reelection next year. What has gone wrong with American democracy?
In addition to his sexual misconduct allegations, he has been spewing a lot of obscenities. For instance, he owes all Chinese in the world a formal public apology for his most vulgar remark about them.
Failure to get him to apologize would embolden other more hawkish and dangerous bipartisan white supremacists waiting in the wings not only to follow in his footsteps but to outdo him in all his craps. ... reelected/
viewtopic.php?f=36&t=6609&p=291858&hilit=The+Old+Man+of+the+Mountain%3B+orchard+of+democracy#p291858 ... 17-12?IR=T ... l-grabbing ... herfckers/