I don't know how many here are on Twitter, but there's been a really strange implicit trend going on over the past year or two where middle aged women who strut their stuff seek to get 5 digit followings, and then praise or condemn followers for believing in what they believe in.
I'm not terribly surprised by this and I don't think too many others are either, especially after how Trump literally flaunted his wife's nude photo shoots ever since Cruz chastised him over that during the primary. The same goes for Californian Republicans tolerating XXX rated material.
The point I'm making here is the conventional notion of discussing political topics with... WORDS seems to be dying. Memes were bad enough, but the very notion of ideas themselves is no longer important. Persuasion is literally taking on the adage of "art imitates life until life imitates art" where people are taking on positions because they find them attractive...
...which is really disappointing for anyone with even an ounce of intimate experience. After all, looks might get you in the bedroom, but they don't keep you there. Even for those interested in intimate appeal, visual appearances get boring. What you want is to touch someone. You don't want to live your life like you're in a museum where you can look but not touch. Even after that, bedroom intimacy by itself gets boring. You want to be involved in a deeper romantic relationship.
I'm saying this because the counter-example of how adult liberals seem to be growing up is also interesting. There's a hopeful trend among them where they seem to be realizing that there's real value in not just functional households, but passionate relationships. They don't just want people to focus on screwing around, but are realizing that spending money on social programs is a waste if those who receive that money don't make the most of it. There's pride and social status to be had from turning your life around in a constructive way and not just getting stuck on subsidies.
After all, if households do get stuck on subsidies, then they're proving the point so many right-wingers make about the "government plantation."