Well one thing for sure.
We are not being destroyed by foreign enemies attacking our shores.
We are being destroyed from within, from the very top of the food chain. The fish rots from the head.
Obama and I seldom agree, but recently he said someting along the lines that we have to look to ourselves. We have to look within for change.
That has been said ad infinitum, but we still look to those above us to make the change, that we believe , should be happening.
Change does not come. Things only becomes more so. Then the possibility of change seems more remote as the ship heads for the falls and the crew parties, robs the passengers,then literally holds them hostage, to an ever growing debt, that we only pay and pay, yet seem to reap less and less from our own labour.
I fear, more than ever, there is little to no way to steer such a large juggernaut of a ship in the opposite direction or
any direction. It's going where it's going.We're rudderless, floating with the current like a dead fish, and no one is even worried about the ship, but only about their seat on the ship.
There may be violence, but the general attitude is about as cohesive as an old wet bandaid. It wouldn't be coordinated and we would likely see more gang warfare than any sort of legitimate revolt.
I think we're done and we're just seeing what happens when we're halfway down the drain. It may take more time, but that will just prolong the agony.
Now that I've left my little bundle of cheer. I'm going to have a caesar and who knows what else.