by The Dude » Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:15 pm
the really odd thing about it is that Obama isn't running next election. In order for the 2016 candidate to lose to Dem nominee by the same amount as Romney and all non-white people vote at the same percentage as 2012, the 2016 GOP candiate will have to pick up an addition 4 percentage points of white people.
In fact, the demographics will have changed so much that is the GOP/DEM 2016 candidates got the same proportion of each race that Bush and Kerry got, the Democrat would win 2016 easily.
And with no Obama in 2016, white people will be voting for the dems more. Hillary running would destroy the GOP without something really bad happening before them. She'll pick up so many white voters (even in the South!) and the GOP would get obliterated.
edit: I should also say, what's also bizarre is that while Romney got more white votes than ever before, they were wholly concentrated in the South in states they'd win that election without an increase in white votes. If you look at whites outside the South, they're trending Democrat while the South is heavily trending Republican.
This is horrible news for a "white strategy." picking up extra votes in places you can't lose won't do shit.