by Professor » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:17 pm
There really isn't any fraud. Surely not enough to force something like this.
As for the program, I don't disagree with the premise. I also don't disagree with the premise of forcing people to show IDs at the poling place. My problems come with implementation.
Do you fine someone who doesn't vote if they:
- are in the hospital?
- are in jail on a minor offense?
- cannot afford to travel to the poling place?
- are illiterate?
- cannot speak English (or whatever language the ballots are printed in)?
- have a religious objection to voting? (you know there are 1 or 2 crackpots out there)
- are physically impeded from voting (tornado rips up their only road to town)?
- are out of the country from the time that an election is scheduled to when it takes place (long business trip)?
- are unable to provide for childcare the day of elections (though they tried) and cannot leave the house?
Is this just for the Presidential election, or for every election in every podunk town that wants to raise a millage by .1?
And, what of the constitutionality of it? We have a well-documented history of civil disobedience here. This includes not voting. If we force people to vote, can we also force them to answer a question when asked by law enforcement?
Again, I agree with the premise. I just don't think it would work here in the US. Perhaps in Peru, Australia, and other places. Not here.