by The Pope » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:31 am
Explain to me why creating a DISINCENTIVE to work is good? People people want to work less? If you can work for your income, or your healthcare, or other things you need or desire, then you should. We shouldn't be building a system where we give people for free what they could earn on their own. This should be a safety net for those in NEED, not a benefits program for people who are sick of working part time. Of course it will reduce the unemployment rate, it's going to take roughly 100 million working ours out of the economy, equivalent to 2 million workers. It's not like it's putting people to work though, it's manipulation of the statistic and we will find ourselves in a position where fewer americans are working...americans we KNOW are capable of working for their own healthcare.
I'm all for a safety net, but this just seems like a handout for those who had to work for their healthcare. That's un-American and it's a bad precedent to disincentives work.
"So may all your enemies perish, O LORD!" - Judged 5:31