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Libs... explain yourselves • Page 2 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Libs... explain yourselves

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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby Indy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:26 am

The best part is that the CBO report did NOT say this, it was a "scandal" once again fabricated by FOX Nation and circulated ad nauseum via the MSM which--surprise!--turned out to be wrong.

No retractions, no mea culpas, and if Benghazi or the IRS "scandal" are any indication, the fact that it was totally untrue won't stop it from being referenced from now on in the right wing rage machine.
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby The Pope » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:31 am

Explain to me why creating a DISINCENTIVE to work is good? People people want to work less? If you can work for your income, or your healthcare, or other things you need or desire, then you should. We shouldn't be building a system where we give people for free what they could earn on their own. This should be a safety net for those in NEED, not a benefits program for people who are sick of working part time. Of course it will reduce the unemployment rate, it's going to take roughly 100 million working ours out of the economy, equivalent to 2 million workers. It's not like it's putting people to work though, it's manipulation of the statistic and we will find ourselves in a position where fewer americans are working...americans we KNOW are capable of working for their own healthcare.

I'm all for a safety net, but this just seems like a handout for those who had to work for their healthcare. That's un-American and it's a bad precedent to disincentives work.

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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby Indy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:41 am

Explain to me why you are asking me to defend a discredited and bogus "scandal" manufactured by misrepresenting a CBO report?

Why would I waste my time doing such a thing when you're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about?

Protip: helpful debate ensues when you don't post bogus fauxrage scandals so you can whine about them, even AFTER they've been debunked.

But let's make this a teachable moment:

Here's the ACTUAL facts as relayed by Politifact:

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter ... ral-healt/

And Factcheck.org:

http://www.factcheck.org/2014/02/the-ac ... t-to-work/

But don't let something being true or not stand in the way of your non-stop whining about gov't handouts and how those who "have to work" iz being robbed because of the black Hitler, sniff...
Last edited by Indy on Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby The Pope » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:43 am

"The act creates a disincentive for people to work," Elmendorf said, under questioning from House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis.

That's a statement the CBO director made. under oath. A fact.

Is that incorrect? And if not, care to explain to me how creating a DISINCENTIVE to work is a good thing? Or are you just going to type out a dozen more rhetorical questions?

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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby Indy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:50 am

Rhetorical questions?

Your fauxrage has been laid bare--I've posted not one but TWO examples of how it's been debunked and you think you're in a position to sit here and demand people answer your questions about your house of cards argument that has collapsed?


BTW Paul Ryan. LOL. *facepalm*

Here's another protip: if you hate Obama/libs so much, there's an easy way to get rid of them from office: have a plan, and offer appealing candidates with a vision for the country.

Spending every waking hour whining and bitching about fake scandals and Benghazi and gorging yourself on the shriekfest at FOX while complaining about "handouts" when in fact the GOP can't get enough handouts which makes them squealing hypocrites... that ain't going to get it done.

Just some friendly advice for you. Nobody wants to join a team where all you do is sit around and whine endlessly while offering zero solutions.
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby The Pope » Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:54 am


"So may all your enemies perish, O LORD!" - Judged 5:31
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby Indy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:12 am

The only thing I "had" to do was point out that your "story" was bogus.

When you defecate on your credibility like that, you don't get to demand that people answer your questions about said bogus story.

People will perhaps respond to you when you don't insult them from the outset by deceiving them.
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby The Pope » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:14 am


"So may all your enemies perish, O LORD!" - Judged 5:31
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby Indy » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:24 am

Yes I am refusing to answer "this two" questions.

Because I am afraid. Afraid of the twooth. How did you sniff that out?

Something you're clearly dealing in when you tell us that O'Hitler's death panel plan is going to kill 2.5 billion jobs. And it's incentivizing people to not work so you can pay for their health care, whitey. God doesn't that make you angry?

It sure makes her angry:


Why the f*** should the libs succeed in their plot where people don't have to be chained to jobs they hate just for the insurance?

Thank God I'm armed.
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Re: Libs... explain yourselves

Postby Dylan » Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:42 am

Do we know these people would be receiving subsidized rates?
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