Yes, there's a rape culture and it's very worrying. ... phone.html ... 81371.htmlAl of these men thought what they were doing was really funny and acceptable. A bit of a laugh.
Just a quick search for
drunk girl filmed being raped produced hundreds of links of which the above was just a random selection.
Then, of course, there's this one from your side of the pond: ... 81371.htmlThe worse thing about it was this kind of thing:
Criticism has also been placed upon media outlets themselves, especially CNN, for their biased coverage of the case. During the course of the delinquent verdict on March 17, 2013, CNN's Poppy Harlow stated that it was "Incredibly difficult, even for an outsider like me, to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believed their lives fell apart...when that sentence came down, [Ma'lik] collapsed in the arms of his attorney...He said to him, 'My life is over. No one is going to want me now.'" Candy Crowley and Paul Callan were also criticized for their lack of focus on the victim and their sympathy for the rapists
Bloody ridiculous. Not a tiny jot of remorse from the rapist. Oh no. No one will want him now, that's all he's worried about - meaning he won't get handed a college place on a plate because he can run a bit with a little rugby ball.
The nature of the case led to accusations that coaches and school officials knew about the rape and failed to report it. For example, several texts entered into evidence during the trial implied that Steubenville head coach Reno Saccoccia was trying to cover for the players, It was just boys doing boy stuff, right? Just a bit of fun.
'She couldn't help wondering what use Carl had for a double bed in his bachelor establishment' - Rafferty's Legacy -Jane Corrie