She systematically destroyed whole communities. She took away the only jobs available in certain towns, villages and to some extent cities, and replaced them with absolutely nothing. She left a generation with absolutely no hope or future and there are still communities to this day that have never fully recovered. You can criticise the Unions all you want and arguably with different tactics they would have won, but to absolve Thatcher of any blame is quite frankly laughable. She had always wanted to crush the Unions as the Unions stood against the neoliberalism that she stood for. She destroyed communities on the basis of ideology, which is sickening at best.
She effectively sold off all of the family silverware without examining the implications. She sold off council houses on the cheap and never replaced them, which has created the shortage we are in today. Although Major sold the railways it was effectively her doing, leaving us today with the most expensive railways in Europe.
Oh and then we move on to the poll tax riots, where she made the police use so much force it looked like something you would expect from the Chinese government.
The only reason she was popular in the 80's was due to the Falklands, any leader that leads their country to victory in war immediately receives a huge boost.
Yes I agree the t-shirts were tasteless, but it was hardly as if the whole of the TUC supported them. Ultimately it's just a t-shirt.