by phosphide » Thu May 04, 2017 11:32 pm
Couple of thoughts on this bill.
1. I think it's mostly terrible.
2. A lot of this actually puts the power into the hands of the states. Will be interesting to see how many actually consider their options.
3. It's actually the failures of Obamacare that caused this bill to exist. For Obamacare to be successful the younger and healthier population would cover the costs of the sick and elderly. Also that the uninsured would actually sign-up. Neither of these happened and the premiums for the healthy population had to foot the bill. So it's natural to think that a bill that raises the costs of the sick and elderly would come up since they weren't signing up for aid. Also, most of the insurance companies have already pulled out of the exchanges so Obamacare was dead in the water.
4. Cutting Medicaid is actually a good thing. Just because you cut aid doesn't mean suddenly thousands of kids are going to die. By doing block grants, the states will be forced to reconsider who and how they pay their dollars. Billions of dollars are wasted every year in Medicaid fraud cases. The states will have to keep a closer eye on their books. Also, our total spending will go down.
5. The success of this bill really depends on if Trump can get his tax bill passed. Things like doubling the standard deduction and revising the tax brackets would be huge for the poor, elderly, and middle class. Though we know his tax plan is unsustainable so doubtful it would happen.
6. Reinstating disproportionate share is a good thing. After Obamacare passed, the payer mixes from self-pay to balance after insurance increased dramatically. The hospitals were no longer able to write off the balances to charity or sign-up patients for medicaid (or other eligibility services).
It kind of makes sense in the grand scheme of all things Trump, but too bad we are still screwed.
We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will yet swell the chorus when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.
- Abraham Lincoln